Authentic Movement

Move Create Practice October 2019: Direction

“This is what it is to be human: to learn and simulate the patterns of culture, community, and environment, both conscious and unconscious, and alter them as needed, make them ours, so that the voice spontaneously emerging is our voice, inter-dependent with the human world in which we live. Thus we breathe life into art and art into life.” -Stephen Nachmanovitch, The Art of Is

Move Create Practice July 2019: Change

“The first principle of life is that everything changes." -Stephen Nachmanovitch

Move Create Practice January 2019: Exploring Differentiation

“In my experience with this type of creative discovery, everything depends upon the degree to which I can perceive what I do with “unconditional positive regard.” When the teachers in my studio group began to have a positive feeling for their free expressions with paint, everything began to change. The simplest gestures, color combinations, and repetitious patterns of lines and shapes became fascinating. As with meditation, any object intensely, contemplated can be an opening to reverie. Everything depends upon the quality of attention that we can apply to our perceptions. The humblest expressions can be sources of insight and wonder.” -Shaun McNiff, from his book Trust the Process, An Artis's Guide to Letting Go

Move Create Practice December 2018: Move Your Vision

Video of MCP December 2018. “Everything is gestation and bringing forth. To let each impression and each germ of a feeling come to completion wholly in itself, in the dark, in the inexpressible, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own intelligence, and await with deep humility and patience the birth-hour of a new clarity: that alone is living the artist’s life…” Rainer Maria Rilke

Move Create Practice November 2018: Pleasure

This Move Create Practice begins with a slide show exploring the Organic Intelligence 3 phase model of the nervous system, contextualizing how Feldenkrais, Authentic Movement and creative process fit into a larger view of nervous system regulation/ SELF regulation.